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AMWC was incorporated in 1948 as a Mutual Water Company.

Our goal is to provide the best possible water and customer service to our community of customers and neighbors.

What is a Mutual Water Company?

The purposes for which this corporation is formed are:

To acquire, own, appropriate, develop and store water.

To acquire, own and hold water rights and facilities and to sell, distribute, supply and deliver such water only to the property appurtenant to shares of this corporation under rules and regulations established thereby, at actual service cost plus maintenance and necessary expenses.

Start Service or

Make Account Changes

Make Payment

Report a Leak

2023 CCR

Our Board of Directors

President: Barry Braman

Vice President/Treasurer: Anna Riquelme

Secretary: Karen Kayser

Board Member: Daryl Knott

Board Member: Garry Everson

Board Member: Annette Hillman

Board Member: Ben Melendez

Monthly Board Meetings

We encourage our customers to attend and be involved.

AMWC’s Board Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the office and are open for "eligible persons" to attend upon written request that must be received in the office (via mail, e-mail or personal delivery) at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. 

Per AB240 (Section 2.14305.2 (b))

"Eligible Persons" is defined as:

1. A Shareholder of AMWC

2. An Occupant pursuant to a lease or rental agreement of commercial space or a dwelling unit to which AMWC sells, distributes, supplies or delivers drinking water.


3659 E Avenue H-4

Lancaster, CA 93535




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