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September 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

15 Sep 2020 Minutes of the Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. In attendance were Board Members, Barry Braman, Anna Riquelme, Garry Everson, Karen Kayser, Ruby Cosby and Ben Melendez.

The minutes of the August 2020 board meeting were reviewed. Ruby Cosby moved to accept the minutes as written. Garry Everson seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0.

The August 2020 Financial Report was reviewed. Anna Riquelme moved to accept the Financial Report as written. Ruby Cosby seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0.

Old Business

A - Review Grant Meter status – Got paperwork from state, according to paperwork, not really a grant but a loan. Tim contacted the lawyer and lawyer said no repercussions to back out of grant. Replied to state that we had already replaced faulty meters, State replied okay so grant has been dropped.

B – Tank cleaning - Cleaning was done, leaks were minor and patched. Written schedule to exercise valves, valves have been exercised. Wrote to State – tanks are self-inspected, no cleaning needs to be done on pressure tank. Relief Valve – leaking – found valve is good but nipple into valve was leaking. Nipple was replaced.

C – Parts Storage - in good shape

D & E– Site 1 MIOX system – Received MIOX Cell but too big to fit in building. Trying to find contractor to enlarge building and to upgrade electrical.

F – Bleed line for Site 1 – going to check with Ron for status

G – Backflow Preventer – Table for now

H – Blended water – State highly recommends that we are able to hook into water elsewhere incase of emergency. Have reciprocal agreement with Wester Skies Trailer Park to supply/receive water in case of emergency. Will use meter to keep track of water usage. Will have meter labeled so we know what it is. State told LA County Resource Board that AMWC is interested in hooking up with LA county water. LA county sent letter on what we would have to do to hook up with them. Alma has not looked into it yet. Barry made a motion for Alma to not submit letter, just drop it until the Resource Board inquires about it again. Ruby Cosby seconded the motion. The motion passed 6-0-0.

New Business

A. Budget for 2021 – Projected budget for 2020 was prepared in March/April, based on 2019. Changes for 2021 – Add infrastructure improvements? Submit ideas for changes for 2021 budget.

B. 30th East Drainage ditch improvement status – City put asphalt along 30th Street East for about 30 feet south of H-10. This will come off future agendas.

C. Underground Copper Tubing Sleeve – Copper visible for several inches between curb stop and the plastic sleeve, so to that no one will accidently squeeze it while fixing line.

D. MIOX Shed Revamp – discussed earlier during old business.

E. Pressure Tank Inspection – Already discussed during old business.

F. Site 1 Overflow Sensor – Electrician working on it, will finish Site 1 then clean sensors on Site 2.

Ruby moved to adjourn the meeting, Anna seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 P.M.

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