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October 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

20 October 2020 Minutes of the Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. In attendance were Board members, Barry Braman, Garry Everson, Karen Kayser, Joann Kayser, Ruby Cosby, and Ben Melendez.

The minutes of the September 2020 board meeting were reviewed. Ruby Cosby moved to accept the minutes as written. Seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0

The September 2020 Financial Report was reviewed. Ruby Cosby moved to accept the minutes as written. Ruby Cosby seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0, but some clarification was requested: #1 Why attorneys fee is so high. #2 Is Neopost for the postage? Was electrician for both sites?

Old Business

A. Site #1 Miox - On hold until next meeting, Anna not here.

B. Site #1 Electrical Bldg. - What are requirements? Barry suggested using 20ft container & replumbing Miox & electrical into container. Have we gotten any bids? Is container a legal storage for MIOX & electrical? How big is MIOX? Barry will check on MIOX size on hold until next meeting, Anna not here. 

C. Bigger Site 1 relief valve- was a new sensor installed? On hold until next meeting, Anna not here.

D. Backflow preventer- Where did this come from, who pays for it, On hold for now.

New Business

A. Budget for 2021- still waiting for suggestions.

B. Fire hydrants review- Need to find out how fire hydrant can be, max distance. Barry estimated cost to be about $5000 per hydrant should any need to be installed.

As no shareholders are in attendance, there is no need to adjourn to executive session. There are no employee items for discussion. Joanne moved to adjourn the meeting. Ruby seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45p.m.   

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