May 21, 2019 Minutes of the Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
May 21, 2019 Minutes of the Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm. In attendance were Board Members Barry Braman, Ruby Cosby, Garry Everson and Anna Riquelme. No shareholders were in attendance.
The minutes of the April 2019 Board Meeting were not available for review. The minutes will be reviewed at the June 2019 board meeting.
The April 2019 Financial Report was reviewed and discussed by the board. Ruby moved to accept the Financial Report. Garry seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0-0.
Old Business:
A. The meter replacement status from the grant is awaiting final approval by MKN. The documentation required by MKN has been submitted to MKN by Alma Sandoval immediately as each detailed request has been received from MKN.
B.The preliminary financial statement has been received from the CPA. The annual meeting date is tentatively scheduled with First Landmark Baptist Church for June 22, 2019 at 1:00 pm.
C.The maintenance/repair list was addressed. The valves are being exercised in the order of highest priority, specifically to be prepared for the installation of the new meters on the pumps for the Watermaster requirement. Barry suggests we install gravity-fed spigots in case of emergency to allow customers to get water.
D.The new meters on the pumps for the Water Master requirement are to be installed by SA Camp company. The begin date for installation is May 28, 2019, depending on the weather and the job completion prior to our job. Barry would like an estimate of the cost of completion of this job as soon as SA Camp Company provides it.
E.Though no new Treatment Operator is being hired at this time, we should contact Benjamin Melendez (prior employee) to see if he would fill in as an emergency back-up Treatment Operator.
F.Spare parts are being purchased for basic repairs needed in emergency on hours when the supply stores are not open.
New Business:
A.Barry presented information on Electric Motor Soft Starters and Variable Frequency Devices, on how they work and the purpose they serve. At this time, Barry does not feel these are necessary, but they are equipment to consider in the future.
B.The need to upgrade our electrical system is undeniable. SA Camp Company will be asked about the electrician they recommend, as the local electricians do not specialize in water company requirements.
C.Barry will research the Valve Exercise procedures used by other water companies to see if we might learn good ideas from them.
In Executive Session: There were no items for Executive Session.
As there were no further items to be discussed, Ruby moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Garry. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 pm.