Late Fee / Shut Off Policy Effective January 1, 2020
Late Fee / Shut Off Policy Effective January 1, 2020
(Adopted by Board of Directors on December 17, 2019, in compliance with SB998)
New Late Fees and Policy Effective January 1, 2020
1.All accounts must be paid in full by the 20th day of the month or the account will be considered late at which time a late fee of $10.00 OR 10% of the unpaid balance (whichever is greater). This charge will be added to the next bill cycle.
2.Once an account has acquired 3 “lates” in a 12 month period, the late fee will be increased for one year, from the date of the last late fee charged, to $20.00 per occurrence OR 20% of the unpaid balance (whichever is greater). This charge will be added to the next bill cycle.
3.If an account continues to be repetitively late within that one year period, the late fees will be permanently increased, from the date of the last late fee charged, to $25.00 OR 25% of the unpaid balance (whichever is greater) and may be subject to a security deposit.
New Shut-Off Fees and Policy Effective January 1, 2020:
1.Bills are created and mailed on the 1st of every month and due by the 20th of every month. If the bill has not been paid by the 20th of the month, you will be in “late status” and charged late fees according to the new policy listed above.
2.If the account remains unpaid by the 2nd billing cycle due date (the 20th of the next month), the account holder will receive a shut-off warning (hot pink paper). If the account remains unpaid (or payment arrangements have not been made) by the date indicated on the paper, a 7-day Shut-Off notice will be issued. If payment is still not received, the water service will be shut off and a $50.00 shut off fee will be applied to the account.
3.If there is a second Shut-Off within a 12 month period, the shut off fee will increase to $100.00.
4.If there is a third Shut-Off within the same 12 month period, the shut-off fee will be permanently increased to $200.00 per occurrence and may be subject to a security deposit.
If the water service has been shut off due to non-payment, the entire balance and the fees MUST be paid IN FULL to have service restored.
If you don’t receive your bill by the 5th of the month, PLEASE call the office or go online to check the balance due. The bill is due the 20th of every month.