July 2019 Meeting Minutes
July 2019 Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2019 Minutes of the monthly Board of directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. In attendance were Board Members Tim Pendelton, Barry Braman, Garry Everson, JoAnn Kayser, Karen Kayser, and Ruby Cosby. Annette Hillman, a shareholder, was in attendance,
The minutes of the June 2019 board meeting were reviewed. Ruby Cosby moved to accept the minutes as written. JoAnn Kayser seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0.
The June 2019 Financial Report was reviewed. Ruby Cosby moved to accept the Financial Report as written. Barry Braman seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0.
Old Business
The grant for the meter replacement is done and back waiting for approval. MKN did get bids & they will accept the bids & schedule the work? Tim Pendelton will check to make sure that is the process.
Main well meter – status – had a pinhole leak by the fence next to office and Alma trying to get a hold of the guy that did it to fix it.
Treatment Operator backup plan – Benjamin Melendez will be willing to help, trying to get him on board.
Core parts/storage – Roger has bought most of what we need. Tim Pendleton will look into a place to store everything.
Storage tank emergency water taps – there are 2 taps (screw type) on each tank and taps on pipes by the meters. Barry Braman asked do we need spring type valves in case of earthquake for consumers to have access to – Tim Pendleton will talk to Ron about what is needed to those valves. There are currently spigots on tanks
New Business
Annette Hillman may want to be on the board. Tim Pendleton will check bylaws to see if there is a set number of people that can be on board. Currently, there are 7 board members, are we allowed to have more?
Electrician/Schematic – Don’t have one, office girls are going to see if they can find one. Don’t know anyone that does that anymore, does RA Camp have someone that does it? Alma is waiting to hear back about an electrician from them, will ask if they have someone that does that.
Valve Exercise Procedure – Barry Braman talked to guys at mutual group, they hire a crew to do it. Brought up that we have grid system – we turn off 2 valves & open fire hydrant. Tim Pendleton will check with Ron for procedure or Barry will check on procedure.
Well pump run tines/timers – Edison charges are going up. Barry Braman asked can we turn off pumps during peak time, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. while rates are highest.
Low-pressure repair status; switch from site 1 to Site 2. Tim Pendleton will find the paperwork on the status and talk to Garry E.
LIRA/SB998 –Tabled from the last meeting. Starts Feb 2020, already have documentation, need to come up with the procedure. LIRA/SB998 says 60-day notification to disconnect/turn off water, have to contact by phone, mail or in-person & offer to set up a payment plan. If they make one or more payments then stop paying, need to start from the beginning with 60-day notification, etc .Low-income procedure coming up, the state has not figured out how that needs to work.
Tank level sensor solution – Roger will clean sensor and see if that takes care of the problem. Don’t need to go into tank. Still in ramp-down period to get to adjudication level we need to be at.
Emergency procedures & customer water taps – already talked about emergency procedures and water taps, but need to check sites after your house is secure.
Executive Session: Annette Hillman left. Ruby Cosby moved to go into Executive Session. JoAnn Kayser seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0.
Ruby Cosby moved to exit the Executive Session. JoAnn Kayser seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0.
Ruby Cosby moved to adjourn the meeting. JoAnn Kayser seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0.