February 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
February 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
15 February 2022 Minutes of the Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. In attendance were Board Members – Barry Braman, Anna Riquelme, Karen Kayser, Garry Everson, Ben Melendez.
Daryl Knott is in attendance. He would like to become a board member. He told us a little about himself and answered question. Daryl stepped outside and the board members discussed recommending him to the board. Anna Riquelme moved to accept Darly Knott to the board, Ben Melendez seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0-0. Daryl Knott was welcomed to the board.
In attendance were Board Members – Barry Braman, Anna Riquelme, Karen Kayser, Garry Everson, Ben Melendez, Daryl Knott.
The January 2022 Meeting Minutes were reviewed, Anna Riquelme moved to accept the Minutes, Ben Melendez seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0.
The January 2022 Financial Report was reviewed. Corrections to Financial Report was discussed & noted. Karen Kayser moved to accept the expense report with changes noted, Ben Melendez seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0.
No shareholders in attendance, proceeding to old business.
Old Business
A & B– Site 1 MIOX cell & New building progress – More work has been done on the building, Contractor has been off work due to illness and family issues. Should return to work soon.
C & D. Soft start – Annette got information, some pamphlets and made some phone calls but was not in attendance. This will be tabled until next meeting.
E. Gallons Metered vs Gallons Billed – tabled until next meeting.
New Business
A.Booster pump on Site 2 needs repair, it is leaking. Mike of Crewe Bryant will do the work.
B.An efficiency test was performed on both sites and the results were submitted. If anyone wants a copy, contact Alma and she will email the report. Efficiency only dropped only 4% in 10 years but there is still some not so good news.
C.New Residential 1” meters are in, total on hand =7.
D.Need to get current list of property owners, some properties have changed hands and the new owners have not contacted the water company.
E.Water table depth – May need to get a measure tape to keep track of water table level (tape goes down through the sounding tube). Ben will get more information.
Other Information:
The vehicle needs to be smogged and check engine light is on. Vehicle is currently at Jones Automotive being worked on. Tune-up has been done but the check engine light was still on. There was a delay in getting the part (ECM), but it has arrived and Jones will continue working on it. Cost estimate for part is $1000.
Need to check to see why Annette Hillman has not gotten her certificate yet.
Karen Kayser moved to adjourn the meeting, Anna Riquelme seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 P.M.