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Indoor Water Conservation Tips

1. Only wash full loads of dishes or laundry when using a dishwasher or washing machine.

2. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth or shaving.

3. Install: faucet aerators, low-flow, energy star efficient; toilets, shower heads, washing machines, tankless water heaters and evaporative coolers. 

(Here is a link for Federal Tax Credits that may still be available when you purchase these items)

4. Monthly; check for and repair leaking faucets, tanks, and pipes.  Sometimes leaks aren't obvious, watch for wet spots.  A simple drip can add up quicker than you think!

5. Wrap your pipes to avoid freezing and bursting.

Outdoor Water Conservation Tips

Lawn watering — Water in the early morning or late evening when evaporation rates are lowest. Don’t water the pavement! One inch of water per week is all that is generally necessary to maintain your lawn.  Avoid over-watering by using a rain gauge or coffee can to measure the volume of water being applied.  As a general rule, lawns only need watering every five to seven days in the summer and every 10 to 14 days in the winter.  A hearty rain eliminates the need for watering for as long as two weeks.

Periodically monitor your watering (especially automatic sprinklers) to ensure there aren't any leaks.  This will also ensure that your grass, trees and plants are getting the water you intended.

Lawn care — Allow your grass to grow taller in hot, dry weather.  Longer grass means less evaporation and will encourage roots to grow deeper, leaving your lawn more drought-tolerant.

Car washing — Use a bucket to wash. Keep a shut off nozzle on the end of your hose to turn off water when not using it.  Do not let water run when not in use!

Pool — Use a pool cover to keep water clean and reduce evaporation.

General Maintenance — Use a broom instead of a water hose to clear debris from patios, driveways, and/or sidewalks.

Landscaping — Plant trees to provide shade and decrease lawn area. Use drought-resistant shrubs and plants. Use decorative rock or landscaping bricks to decorate areas instead of plants that require a lot of water.

Valves, Sprinklers, Hoses, Bibs, Outdoor Pipes â€” Check all your outdoor water sources for leaks on a regular basis, leaks can occur overnight.  Don't forget to wrap your exposed pipes, etc. to avoid freezing and bursting.

Basic Watering Information

What Time of Day Should I Water?

We recommend watering between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m., watering within this window of time takes advantage of relatively low winds and less loss of water due to evaporation.

How Long Should I Water?

Generally, because of the types of soils we have, running an irrigation system on a lawn for more than five minutes may result in runoff and wasted water.

Precise watering times vary depending on the type of watering device, soil, ground slope and the types of plants being watered.  You are the best judge.

Recommended Watering Schedules

SPRING                                               SUMMER                                                  FALL                                                    WINTER

NO MORE THAN​                              NO MORE THAN                                    NO MORE THAN                            NO MORE THAN 

2 TIMES PER WEEK                        2-3 TIMES PER WEEK                         2 TIMES PER WEEK                      1-2 TIMES PER WEEK

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