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2018 Board of Directors Meetings

AMWC’s Board Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the office at 7:00 pm. and are open for "eligible persons" to attend upon written request that must be received in the office (via mail, personal delivery or e-mail ) at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

Per AB240 (Section 2.14305.2(b))

"Eligible Persons" is defined as:

1. A Shareholder of AMWC

2. An Occupant pursuant to a lease or rental agreement of commercial space or a dwelling unit to which AMWC sells, distributes, supplies or delivers drinking water.

2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes are Posted when they are Approved

January Minutes

February Minutes

March Minutes

April Minutes

May Minutes

June Minutes

July Minutes

August Minutes

September Minutes

October Minutes

November Minutes

December Minutes

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