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January 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

January 21, 2020 Minutes of the Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m. In attendance were Board Members Tim Pendleton, Ruby Cosby, Anna Riquelme, Joanne Kayser, Karen Kayser and Garry Everson. No shareholders were in attendance. The minutes of the November and December 2019 Board Meetings will be reviewed in the next board meeting. The December 2019 Financial Report was reviewed. Karen moved to accept the financial report as presented. Ruby seconded the motion. 

 The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0.

Old Business

A.An E-mail from MKN requesting extensive information not relevant to replacement water meters was received. Tim will reply to the state one last time. The state has delayed work on the grant until June 2020. No new status.

B.Cleaning of the tanks is scheduled with LEC. LEC will notify us of our date for cleaning when they establish their route.

C.Water treatment operator backup Benjamin Melendez is amenable.

D.Tim and Ron Tice are developing a list of core parts to have on hand to avoid weekend opening charges.

E.The tank level sensor has been repaired by the electrician.

F.Site 2 MIOX Cell system replacement is on order. The cell is being built and there is no alternative but to wait for the company to deliver it. It is a patented item not available from other sources.

G.All necessary requirements for replacing the outdated electrical building at Site 1 will be reviewed with the electrician. This necessary expense will be costly, but will save money in the long run in efficiency and less costly repairs.

H.Alternate chlorination systems are being researched.

I.The opening of the pressure tanks are very small. Other water companies only replace the pressure tanks after they start leaking. There is no known method for cleaning these tanks.

J.The need for a larger relief valve for Site 1 was discussed. We will have Ron replace the relief valve at Site 1.

New Business

A.The need for backflow preventers on mobile home parks and commercial businesses is being investigated by Tim. This issue will be tabled until definitive requirements are determined.

B.The option of a plan to blend water from an outside source into our water system in case we have any issue is being discussed for feasibility both financially and logistically.

C.The Health Department suggested investigating hooking into the public water system closest to Averydale as an access to water in case of emergency.

D.Tim authorized Ron and Rodger to order gravel sufficient to cover the ground around the tanks at both Sites 1 and 2 and at the access gates.

As no shareholders are in attendance, there is no need to adjourn to Executive Session. There are no items for discussion in Executive Session.

Ruby moved to adjourn the meeting. Joanne seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45p.m.

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